Company Growth


Lean manufacturing: a new philosophy, a new success in MPlus

New strategies for MPlus Cosmetics in 2019 to answer the continuous evolving needs of customers: an innovative method originated from the Japanese manufacturing industry has been implemented in order to optimize all internal processes and activities, increasing the level of efficiency and effectiveness. Lean Manufacturing is the new philosophy followed by MPlus to obtain the highest value of productivity and to completely satisfy customer needs.  The term “Lean Production” stands out against the old concept of mass production, theorized by Henry Ford. It is based on two key concepts: fight against wastefulness and creation of value.  Several tools have been set in place to improve quality, minimize waste and redice production time and cost:

  • Value Stream Mapping
  • SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Dies)
  • Poka-Yoke (error proofing)
  • Five S method
  • PDCA (deming cycle)
  • Visual Management
  • Heijunka

“Lean” is not only a production system, it is a way of thinking and behaving, often referred to as Lean Thinking. Step by step, this new philosophy is permeating the culture inside the company, in a steady and methodical way.  A great improvement for Mplus Cosmetics, which strongly believes in people, being the strongest pillars of the company, engaging in long term relationships based on reciprocal trust and transparency.  The first results are astonishing in terms of reduction of costs, improvement in quality and time of delivery, shortening of time-to-market and increase in performance.  The challenge continues… because there is no end and no limit to improvement.